Hectic Week and Crap Concerts

Mar 08, 2007 15:57

My week has been fairly full on this round.

I've been organising my sister's hens night. I found a venue that serves alcohol, has a live band, dance floor and I could get into it without id and the other bride's maid doesn't want to come because her brother told her only rapists and thugs go there. All the other girls coming have been there say its a really great place and now I've found this out. The hens night is Sunday so its a bit late to find another venue the same.

I've been training the Year 7 volleyball girls as well as trying to pull together a senior volleyball girls team. My year 7s play tomorrow and as harsh as it is they totally suck. They can't serve, can't set, can't dig. I'm just hoping they win at least one game otherwise we won't get another team for year 8s or intermediate the next few years I think. I'd love the train the boys but they give me the shits at times. Anyway I let Daniel Stock coach the boys even though he hasn't played for nearly 3 years he said. I'm supposed to do an English SAC today since I wouldn't be there for it tomorrow but my teacher wasn't there so I had two spare periods.
Had a food SAC today. I found out as I was walking in that it was open book and we could have brought in a double sided study sheet if we wanted. I had to do the whole thing off the top of my head which was so frustrating because I haven't studied since I've been so busy. I was so fed up with it and so exhausted still from the night before.

Wednesday I worked from 9am - 4pm which isn't anything different but when you had to catch a train at 4:30pm to get into the city it's a long day full of rush. I finally got home and changed for the concert. Why I was going to a Fall Out Boy concert I will never know but oh well. At work I was just cataloging published articles about the park and putting them in order. I also met up with my brother for lunch. Again he lead us over to a group of people he recognised from one of his courses. So he sat there laughing and joking with them with things that happened in class while I sat there picking at the lunch I had bought. Occasionally making a comment or laughing at something I understood.
Went back to the park before my lunch break was even over because I wasn't enjoying myself with my brother. I went home and while photocopying in the office my parents arrived with friends from the Lakes District of England who are here for Leah's wedding. I took them for a tour of the park, of course mum wanted to show them everything so we ended up leaving past 3:30 when I wanted to leave before 3 so I had time to get ready for that night. We got home at 4:10pm (bloody school traffic) and I whipped on my other clothes. I got to the station nearly ten minutes late. Luckily only Ricky was there since the others had all been delayed as well.
We got the train and went in to Flinder's Street Station. We all bought Macas for dinner (even though I hate getting Macas in the city since the city is something a little special and deserves something better then Macas). We ate and walked back to Jolimont station and Vodaphone arena. After two trips to the baggage room, $2 just to have the bags in that blood hole in the wall and find the door to get into our section. We got tickets in the back put... what can of crap is that? I mean seriously who divides a pit into two halves that are like over 10metres apart from each other.
The first warm up band came out at 7:30pm. They royally sucked. Everyone around us was screaming out how much they sucked. They played 5 maybe 6 songs then left. Over half an hour of sound checking later, another warm up band came out. They weren't that band but I was so fed up. When they finished we found out it would be another hour before Fall Out Boy came out. During the course of the night I had managed to get to the front of the back pit, I was so fed up I traded with Skye so she could stand at the front and went to stand at the back. A girl I was standing next to went to the back with me but said she felt like she was about to faint so I helped her out to the foyer and to the toilets. She ended up throwing up in an empty beer cup on a table out in the foyer. She gave me her wallet and asked me to go buy two waters.
After she had calmed down and drank some water we went back in to the arena. About 20mins of standing around Fall out Boy came out. I couldn't see so ended up standing up the back of the arena. I only recognised two songs out of like 7 that they played so I hated the night.
Skye and Ricky loved it and enjoyed themselves. Doug and Zofia were picked up by Zofia's father. Took us three a further 2 hours to get home because we kept catching the wrong trains or having to change trains because someone unnerved Ricky. Got home about 1:30am and I was stuffed.
Today at school Rick didn't come, Skye and I both did because we both had SACs first two periods. I fell asleep during my third period SAC and then came home at lunch time for a coffee before returning for my last two classes. Tomorrow my year 7s play and I'm praying they aren't too shit.
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