Mar 12, 2009 04:00
The multi-day carpet drying process is over with, thank goodness, and I feel a whole lot better. The fan’s off, the shop-vac is outside and needs to be put back together and hauled off to the shed out in the back, and the only things left running are the dehumidifier (which I’m shutting down tomorrow) and the heavy-duty HEPA filter setup for the general air.
I’m way behind on stuff I need or ought to do; my boss got me into a long conference call on Web stuff, and I got an overflowing platter of To Do stuff heaped up there. I had to finally email her this afternoon and say - ok, this is my platter, you prioritize, I’ve got too many Priority One With A Big Honking Alarm things on it.
I also owe my journal a Watchmen report and a report on Capricon. My head has been terribly spacy - I think it was partially the disruptions from the flooding (which created a drop-everything situation), the general level of sick in the house, my tired, and the OMGWTF level of things to get done. If my writing has seemed spacier than usual, or at least not horribly coherent, that’s why.