What is the most quintessential filk song you can think of? One that is typically representative of the genre, but accessible to non-geeks (ie, not too many "in-jokes" that you won't get if you haven't read the book or whatever)?
A reasonably good picture of me and Aaron dancing at the banquet, courtesy of quadrivium. Shame we're not smiling--but it's a good picture of the dress, at any rate. :) (This is what I wore to swing dance at Fernbank last Friday.)
I'm afraid between me and the other pregnant lady at the housefilk last night, we sort of monopolized it with pregnancy talk. I did, however, write a filk on the subject, so maybe autographedcat and kitanzi thought it was ok after all.
GaFilk was at a new hotel this year, for which we were profoundly grateful, having slept (rather, not slept) through too many nights of the awful heating system in the Holiday Inn. The Crowne Plaza was *much* more pleasant, and I hope we'll be back there next year
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I've known spambrian a long time now, and I thought, you know, the time has come for me to write a song, expressing just how much I value his friendship.
But I'm a lousy songwriter. So he's going to have to settle for something in honor of our last DCTV shoot.
Lest my LJ devolve into The Cornea Channel! All Corneas! All the Time! Here's a change of pace:
Pictures of GaFilk 2007The concerts were fun, and I managed to get three quilt squares done (to the complete neglect of my own mending I'd brought along to work on). The banquet was loads of fun, with some excellent music. Aaron and I faked a tango
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