Eminent scholars J. M. Lanterman and Z. X. Lanterman today ran a controlled experiment testing the effects of bell size and order when rolling down a spiral path marble run.
3 different sized bells were rolled down a spiral marble run, alone and in different combinations. Results were recorded and compared.
Best results are obtained by smaller bells. The small bell and medium bell alone work well, and in combination. The large bell is more likely to fall off the ramp; if it stays on, it works better behind a smaller one.
Problems with Current Study:
Only two variables were tested: bell size and order of bells on ramp. In some cases, multiple tests were run, however in other cases, due to time and attention span constraints, only single tests were run.
Other variables not tested included amount of pressure on ramp lever, which experimenter pressed ramp lever, and bell material. These can be addressed in a future study when junior experimenter's attention span improves.