stupidity of power....

Feb 16, 2006 10:34 heather, one of the fellow metal heads took it on her self to set up a sheet metal working demo day today, everyone in the metal department was cool with it, all the teachers from the jewelry department was cool with it, it was from the department that the person speaking to us would come from....but it was found out last night by the person who organized this all that ONE stupid fucking person tossed a big giant wrench into it all...stupid laura, she's also the one that got the 7 first year METAL students thrown in with the 3 first year jewelry students, and the metal program got axed for this she stopping us from learning stuff too....her reason, we're not allowed to have a class over reading's a day, it's not even a class, it would be some quick's starting to seem more and more that she doesn't like the metal program and is trying to undermine it.......bah.....dispite the cold last night was good...i enjoy having very few people around, makes it easier to play...piles left by snowplows make great sketchy ass quater pipes, need a shovel or something to smooth it out, make it easier, would be fun, less likly to sketch out and crack my head open
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