Aug 26, 2004 14:40
Two updates in two days. I am feeling very literate at the moment. It must be the jelly. Yesterday at nursery we got to play with strawberry jelly - it was fantastic! You could spread it all over the place and rub it in your eyes, ears and hair before you ate it. I even threw some at my keyworker. I was so tired when I got home that I could hardly keep my eyes open during dinner and I fell asleep before I'd finished my milk.
Falling asleep early means I can wake up with the dawn. This morning I sang very loudly to wake up Mummy at 6am. She didn't come through at first so I just upped the volume. I am very musical. When she eventually came in I could tell she was happy because she laughed and said, 'I despair' before she picked me up and we sang the morning song together. I giggled a lot because she's funny when she laughs.
The best thing that happened yesterday, apart from the jelly, was that I managed to get hold of Marmite the kitten's ear! She likes to sit near me when I'm having my milk and I reached out very slowly so she didn't jump. Well, she didn't jump until I'd closed my fist round her ear anyway. It crinkled up in my hand just like furry paper. She tried to get away so I held on very tight. I've been waiting for this moment for so long so I wasn't going to let her go without a fight was I! She got away when I opened my hand to try and catch her whiskers. They are my next target. Maybe tomorrow.