Aug 25, 2004 13:52
It is such a long time since I wrote. I have been very very busy at nursery and at home learning how to do things. About a month ago I learned how to sit up and not fall over. I'd been sitting up for a few minutes for ages but now I can roll about to where I want to be and then sit up if there's something to pull myself up on.
I like very much to sing aswell. If someone is singing I always join in till the end of the song. People think this is cute so I think I'll keep this one up.
Since I last wrote I haven't quite got rid of my chesty cough but the doctor says that I just have to wait for it to go. Mummy still sometimes uses my vaporiser but I haven't had the inhaler in weeks.
Breadsticks are the new mana in Hoylake. I love breadsticks and I could eat them till I pop. Actually, I eat anything quite happily but if I had the choice I'd have breadsticks everyday with beef stew or curry.
I still don't have any teeth but I'm drooling a lot just in case. In 1 week today I will be 8 months old so I'm expecting some soon. Maybe I'm going to get lots at once. It would be nice if I got them before my Grandma's 60th birthday or everyone will go on and on about it and try to stick their fingers in my mouth to feel my gums.