How Lucifer Novak Didn't Get What He Wanted (But Got Something Good Anyways) (chap 11/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -  How Lucifer Novak Didn't Get What He Wanted (But Got Something Good Anyways) (chap 11/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: R 
Characters/Pairings: Lucifer's obsession with Sam continues! Cas' crush on Dean (Destiel/Sabriel later)
Warnings: mention of masturbation and such
Word Count: 1 122 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 11: While snooping for info on Sam, Lucifer finds gold

Since Castiel wouldn't give the information nicely, Lucifer would have to find another way to get it. He waited in his room, looking outside the window until a big black mess of a car showed up. Castiel was waiting on the front steps, and Lucifer could see his face light up when the car showed up. Castiel ran to the car, getting into the passenger seat. Lucifer lifted a brow, wasn't Sam there? There was only the older Winchester. Odd. The minute the car went out of sight, Lucifer moved to his desired destination; Castiel's room.

Like all the rooms in the Estate, Castiel had an enormous room. He had a large king sized bed in the middle of the room, a desk on the side with his computer and a bulletin board filled with photos. Lucifer went up to the board, spotting tons and tons of pictures of Castiel, Sam and Dean. He perused the pictures until he fell on what he thinks is a candid picture of this summer, Sam is smiling brightly, wearing nothing but a battered pair of shorts, holding up a fish he probably caught. This must have been when Castiel left for a weekend. Lucifer smiled, taking the picture off the bulletin. Then he frowned when he spotted the other Winchester. He promptly ripped the other one out of the picture and pocketed the photo.

And then he continued to look around, the rest of the room was really just a small entertainment center and bookshelves after bookshelves. He then went up to one of the two doors on the side wall. Opening on, he merely saw the bathroom Castiel shared with Gabriel. Deeming this boring, he closed it and went to the other door. This led to the giant walk-in closet between Gabriel and Castiel's rooms, which the boys shared. It was very clear who's side belonged to who, and the entire thing was well lit with a giant floor length mirrors on both sides. Lucifer wandered in it, looking around, seeing if he could find anything that would be useful to him. He finally found old boxes on top of the shelves. He quickly got them down and started going through them. Nothing but old notes from school. Not even scrawls or anything. But Lucifer being Lucifer, he didn't want to miss anything. And finally, after spending two hours going through them, he managed to pull out everything Sam had either written on or written himself. Lucifer smirked, this was wonderful. But not enough.

Lucifer put the boxes back, walking out of the closet and setting the notes down on top of a bookcase. He walked up to the nightstands by Castiel's bed, quickly sorting through them. Magazines were on the top, regular literary magazines and a couple of books, but he lifted a brow at what was there. Is that lubricant? Lucifer smirked, well well, little innocent Castiel not as innocent as believed. Then his eyes shot open, was this a catalogue for vibrators and dildos?! Lucifer hummed, flipping the pages, Castiel had a couple of them circled, but he then noticed that you needed to order them by credit card and there's no way that Castiel could without Michael noticing - no wonder he didn't have any. He then put everything back, closing the drawer and quickly opening up the next one. Once again, there were a few books and magazines on top, but underneath, there was this black, leather bound notebook. It was smaller than a regular notebook and it had matches taped to it, probably so that Castiel could burn it at a moment's notice. Lucifer could not be smiling wider.

Lucifer shifted to sit on the bed. He opened the book, wiggling a bit in excitement. What could their little Castiel be so intent on hiding? The first thing Lucifer noted was how well worn it looked. Castiel must have been reading it or consulting it often. Was this a diary? When he opened it finally, the first thing to happen was that over a dozen of pictures fell in his lap. He blinked, setting the book down. He looked at the photos, they were all of the elder Winchester. There were photos of him merely smiling (without his shirt on), working on his car, lazing around, eating, and all sort of candid pictures. Lucifer smiled wider. He quickly reopened the notebook, turning to the first page. He couldn't stop grinning. It was a book of notes that Castiel took on the older Winchester! Like a field journal! All noted, with dates! This was so rich! Castiel going on and on about how perfect he found 'Dean'. How much he wished they could be together! How tall Dean was, the food he liked, the music he liked, what his different expressions meant, the clothes he wore, what looked better, everything! Lucifer started to laugh, this was just so beautiful! Even sketches Castiel did of the man!

Lucifer spent over an hour reading it cover to cover. In a 200 page notebook, Castiel had filled over 150 pages! About 3 years of notes on one man! This was beautiful! Lucifer put it all back together and put it away. He collected the things he took out of the boxes and walked out of the room, still laughing.


It was at dinner time that Castiel came back, carrying a shopping bag from a comic book shop. He walked into the dining room and was surprised to see all of his siblings. Oh shit! Sunday dinner had moved to Saturday this week! He had forgotten! Sunday dinner was the only thing the family did together. That and go to church. "It's nice of you to decide to join us." said Michael coldly. Castiel bit his lip, lowering his head as he made his way to his seat. "I'm sorry...I forgot the time." Time passed, each sibling leaving the table until it was only Lucifer and Castiel. Castiel was still eating and when he looked up and saw Lucifer smirking at him, he froze. "...You're done eating...why are you still here?" Lucifer smiled at Castiel, staring at him knowingly. "Does the boy know you're so obsessed with him? How do you think he'll feel if he knew about the notebook?" Castiel’s face turned completely white, dropping his fork with a loud clank. His eyes wide and horrified as his mouth lay open, gaping. Castiel quickly teared up, bursting into tears as he led out a loud cry of anguish, pushing himself away from the table, knocking the chair over as he ran up the stairs. A loud slamming of a door could be heard, Lucifer burst into laughter. This was too rich!

destiel, the how verse, fic, lucifer is a creepy son of a bitch

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