ended hiatus and resin fascination

May 02, 2018 13:46

I am back after a loooong hiatus. I hope this time for good - my hubby can walk again, all the memories of that awful accident are the past now (well, the car is still in pieces, but who cares about the car, when we're all alive!). My son recovered almost completekly and came back to his team - soon he will start playing in games again. My daughter also recovered from pneumonia (the only one in the family without any bone-related problems). And my dad and mother-in-law are getting better each day! All the operations were fully successful so I can say, we're lucky ones after all.
Now it is time to slowly get back to life, work, to fandoms, and to my crafts!
I got a bit crazy about resin-casting lately. I got some new moulds from Aliexpress (I love that place, lol), and I am waiting for delivery. I hope my future works will come out nice :) Please, hold your fingers crossed for me!

family matters, health, hiatus, crafts

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