Nice day

Feb 16, 2017 15:54

A couple of days ago, I had a nice experience. I was at the mall, riding an evevator from the parking to the lowest level, and there was another woman in the elevator with me. She was pushing a huge TESCO cart filled with carton boxes, labelled with a cosmetic company name (Eveline that was). She left the elevator at the same floor and went in front of me, pushing her cart. Unfortunately, the door that were supposed to open automatically were out of order, so we had to open them manually. She tried top do that, and then I called her to wait, because I was going to open and hold that door for her. She thanked me and as she passed through that door, she turned to me and said "They say, good deeds return with triple power, so here you go.." She handed me a eye-lash conditioner and went away smiling. And I was so stoned, that only managed to mumble my thanks. I felt kinda like a Cinderella meeting a fairy godmother! I didn't do anything unusual - and yet I was praised and rewarded! Wowo, that was something, that made my day! Let's be kind to each other guys :D
Have a great day, minna-san!!

just to say something, daily life, general stuff

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