Doctors, doctors...

Feb 07, 2017 18:15

Ugh... I am so irritated, that I srsly need to release some steam! I spent half of the day running around with my kid from one doctor to another, making tons of examinations, drawing blood, EKG, etc., just to find out, that I have to wait for the final examination till... April! No earlier dates available in this damn city! Gosh, at least I know, that my son is not seriously ill, but still! Well, he's coming bac to school next week, and I will be able to start cleaning a bit and rearranging the boxes (still not enough furniture, but kitchen is coming soon! Thank you IKEA ;) ). And I am sure, that in the middle of the biggest mess I will get another project to process, and it will have to be completed ASAP. As usual. Well, that's life after all.
The only good thing about all that craziness is the fact that I am too busy/tired to cry over SMAP disbending issue. I must say, I still cannot believe that my beloved boys are not together anymore! Well, I hope they're fine on their own. I need to check their latest dramas - hopefully I will find time for that soon!!
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