George Zimmerman Acquitted on All Charges!

Jul 13, 2013 23:29

A great moment for American criminal justice today, as George Zimmerman was acquitted on all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, despite the obvious attempt, orchestrated from the White House and US Justice Department, to convict Zimmerman as a political maneuver.  George Zimmerman walks free, now able to recoup the money he was forced ( Read more... )

racism, george zimmerman, trayvon martin, justice, crime

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Comments 76

justgoto July 14 2013, 08:28:39 UTC
"despite the obvious attempt, orchestrated from the White House and US Justice Department, to convict Zimmerman"

That was inexcusable!
I hope George sues for millions!


jordan179 July 14 2013, 09:10:02 UTC
Eric Holder has committed numerous acts of malfeasance and misfeasance -- and not merely in this case, but in others. I really hope that the Republicans do not extend him the forgiveness normal with a change of parties in office after the 2016 elections, and that Holder serves the decades in prison that he deserves for these actions, which in some cases (especially relating to Fast and Furious) have led to murders.


justgoto July 14 2013, 09:38:50 UTC
That really needs to be done.


superversive July 14 2013, 21:59:32 UTC
Don’t be silly. There will be no change of parties.


blue_sky_day July 14 2013, 08:44:21 UTC
I was worried, with the manslaughter nonsense, that the jury might not have delivered.


jordan179 July 14 2013, 09:08:26 UTC
I was worried for a while because the judge let the proseuction exclude the evidence of Martin's phone logs, which present him in a damning light as a racist and violent sadist -- exactly the sort of person who would attempt to murder a man with his bare hands merely for asking him what he was doing. They had obvious political reasons for doing so: Eric Holder has been shamelessly interfering in the case, even trying to organize demonstrations (with the obvious threat of rioting) should Zimmerman be found innocent.


justgoto July 14 2013, 09:43:27 UTC
"even trying to organize demonstrations (with the obvious threat of rioting) should Zimmerman be found innocent."
They are criminal, and the democrats don't care. These people do not have the moral fortitude to be dog catchers.


polaris93 July 14 2013, 18:56:50 UTC
According to HuffPost, Holder and Obama are going to try to slap federal charges on Zimmerman. Lousy losers.


belvarius July 14 2013, 10:27:42 UTC
Was so happy and relieved to see that last night! My only worry for Mr. Zimmerman now is that he may have to go into some kind of protective custody for a while just to stay safe from those who would try to harm him.


eta_ta July 14 2013, 12:34:22 UTC
and kudos to six quiet women, Florida's version of 12 angry men!

I wonder would there will now be public apologies from those who predicted guilty verdict based exclusively on gender of the jurors? I am talking about Right commentators; I don't read the lefties


jordan179 July 14 2013, 13:17:57 UTC
... and kudos to six quiet women, Florida's version of 12 angry men!

I agree. Their willingness to decide the case on the facts rather than to please the mob helped preserve American justice.


oronoda July 14 2013, 14:14:56 UTC
I resisted and lost posting this on facebook ( ... )


philmophlegm July 14 2013, 14:57:13 UTC
That is the single wisest paragraph I have seen written about this case.


luagha July 14 2013, 15:05:37 UTC
I think this is too kind, even. :)

All the real evidence pointed to Zimmerman's version of events.

All the imaginary made up stuff that didn't happen, often reported by the press, pointed the other way.

But I understand, perhaps, your being kind on facebook.


itzwicks July 14 2013, 16:09:54 UTC
This is why I keep a light on the back porch for Live Journal. Sensibility can still be found on the nets.

Bonus points for working in a Doctor Who reference! ;-)


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