George Zimmerman Acquitted on All Charges!

Jul 13, 2013 23:29

A great moment for American criminal justice today, as George Zimmerman was acquitted on all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, despite the obvious attempt, orchestrated from the White House and US Justice Department, to convict Zimmerman as a political maneuver.  George Zimmerman walks free, now able to recoup the money he was forced ( Read more... )

racism, george zimmerman, trayvon martin, justice, crime

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blue_sky_day July 14 2013, 08:44:21 UTC
I was worried, with the manslaughter nonsense, that the jury might not have delivered.


jordan179 July 14 2013, 09:08:26 UTC
I was worried for a while because the judge let the proseuction exclude the evidence of Martin's phone logs, which present him in a damning light as a racist and violent sadist -- exactly the sort of person who would attempt to murder a man with his bare hands merely for asking him what he was doing. They had obvious political reasons for doing so: Eric Holder has been shamelessly interfering in the case, even trying to organize demonstrations (with the obvious threat of rioting) should Zimmerman be found innocent.


justgoto July 14 2013, 09:43:27 UTC
"even trying to organize demonstrations (with the obvious threat of rioting) should Zimmerman be found innocent."
They are criminal, and the democrats don't care. These people do not have the moral fortitude to be dog catchers.


polaris93 July 14 2013, 18:56:50 UTC
According to HuffPost, Holder and Obama are going to try to slap federal charges on Zimmerman. Lousy losers.


superversive July 14 2013, 22:00:09 UTC
Predictable. And they will keep prosecuting him until they convict him - double jeopardy be damned. It’s only the Constitution, after all.


polaris93 July 14 2013, 22:01:26 UTC
Unfortunately you're right. Damn!


justgoto July 14 2013, 23:14:19 UTC
It is shameful what the democrat party has become.


polaris93 July 14 2013, 23:15:02 UTC
Yes. In spades.


jordan179 July 14 2013, 23:15:17 UTC
It won't be easy for them to get a conviction on the basis of "violation of civil rights," because then they would have to prove that Zimmerman shot Martin because of Martin's race. That would be much more difficult for them to prove.


superversive July 14 2013, 23:18:58 UTC
Martin is black. Zimmerman isn’t. Ergo, anything Zimmerman did to Martin is on account of his race.

That really is the standard of proof when Americans start playing the race card.


jordan179 July 14 2013, 23:27:29 UTC
No, they actually have to prove, and again beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt, that Zimmerman shot Martin because of Martin's race, rather than for obvious reasons of self-defense. In the case of the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum, this occurred in the course of an anti-Semitic riot, and the killer was one of the rioters. There was no issue of self-defense.


superversive July 14 2013, 23:35:24 UTC
The rule is that whenever anyone does anything to a black person (such as Trayvon Martin), the non-black person is automatically at fault and must have the book thrown at him. Whenever a black person (such as O.J. Simpson) does anything to a non-black person, the black person is automatically not at fault. Anyone finding any fault with the party with the darker-coloured skin is automatically a racist himself, as is, a fortiori, the party with the lighter-coloured skin.

You will no doubt reply with a lot of guff about how that isn’t the law. This will be irrelevant. You don’t live under the rule of law anymore; you merely live under a government that still finds hypocrisy useful, and therefore maintains the fiction of legality - except when it is not convenient to do so.


luagha July 15 2013, 00:01:18 UTC
Zimmerman is half-Hispanic and 1/8 black, actually. :)


superversive July 15 2013, 00:18:54 UTC
The same standard of evidence was used by the mainstream media (and the DoJ) when they agreed to refer to Zimmerman as a ‘white Hispanic’. Zimmerman is the guilty party (verdict decided in advance of trial); black people are not guilty; therefore, Zimmerman is white. The ‘one drop rule’ does not apply when THE NARRATIVE™ is at stake.


ford_prefect42 July 14 2013, 23:48:55 UTC
Actually, all they need to prove is that Zimmerman *followed* martin because of his race. That gets discrimination, and there's the civil rights violation.


cutelildrow July 16 2013, 07:00:46 UTC
the judge let the proseuction exclude the evidence of Martin's phone logs, which present him in a damning light as a racist and violent sadist -- exactly the sort of person who would attempt to murder a man with his bare hands merely for asking him what he was doing. They had obvious political reasons for doing so: Eric Holder has been shamelessly interfering in the case, even trying to organize demonstrations (with the obvious threat of rioting) should Zimmerman be found innocent.

Was the judge biased, or pressured? o_o Because then it strikes me as stunning indeed that with a biased, pressured court like this, Zimmerman WALKED FREE AT ALL.


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