A great moment for American criminal justice today, as George Zimmerman was acquitted on all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, despite the obvious attempt, orchestrated from the White House and US Justice Department, to convict Zimmerman as a political maneuver. George Zimmerman walks free, now able to recoup the money he was forced
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That was inexcusable!
I hope George sues for millions!
Historically, it is difficult for one party to hold the Presidency for more than two to four terms. In just my lifetime we have seen JFK-LBJ (two terms Democrats), Nixon-Ford (two terms Republicans), Carter (one term Democrat), Reagan-Bush (three terms Republicans), Clinton (two terms Democrats) George W. Bush (two terms Republican) and Obama (two terms -- so far -- Democrat).
In the cases of Nixon, Reagan-Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush I remember people telling me that we were about to become a dictatorship. I don't see why I should assume that this happens to be true in Obama's case. I do see Obama as having stronger dictatorial tendencies than any of the above-mentioned, including Nixon, but I don't see him as having the capability, regardless of his intentions.
Allow me to remind you, since your historical horizon seems to coincide with your own lifetime, of the five consecutive Democratic terms under FDR and Truman. At that time, the Republican Party recovered from what seemed like hopeless disarray and returned to power after a generation. This time, I don’t expect it to.
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