Georgia State Court decides Obama is NOT eligible for Presidency

Jan 31, 2012 08:00

The details here, by Craig Andreson in "Obama Eligibility Court Case ... Blow by Blow" (January 26th, 2012, The National Patriot

The judge first determined that Obama's father had never been an American citizen.

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constitution, crime, politics, birthers, barack obama

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jordan179 February 2 2012, 16:36:28 UTC
However, tanstaafl (there ain't no such thing as a free lunch), a principle the Mainstream Media don't get because it's an essentially economic one and they deny economics. The MSM is expending some of its credibility each time they Quayle someone, and this credibility is running out. I've been watching them do this for a long time, and they were most effective at the start of the strategy.

They got most Americans to believe that Barry Goldwater wanted to start a strategic nuclear war. They got most liberal Americans to believe that Richard Nixon was evil. They got many liberal Americans to believe that Ronald Reagan was stupid.

With each victim attacked, the power of the media diminishes, because those who know contradictory facts realize that the media is lying to them. This process has been accelerated by the growth of the New Media such as the Internet, which gives people alternative sources of information.

So don't despair. I've seen the power of this tactic decline dramatically in just my lifetime, and I expect to see it decline further.


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