Georgia State Court decides Obama is NOT eligible for Presidency

Jan 31, 2012 08:00

The details here, by Craig Andreson in "Obama Eligibility Court Case ... Blow by Blow" (January 26th, 2012, The National Patriot

The judge first determined that Obama's father had never been an American citizen.

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constitution, crime, politics, birthers, barack obama

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Comments 91

baron_waste January 31 2012, 16:57:00 UTC

At a guess, I'd say he's avoiding the Streisand Effect.

If it becomes known that someone of power, fame, or influence is using strong measures to attempt to suppress a piece of information or a work, then many people will want to know what it is even if they never cared before.

Which is exactly the case now: No one will hear of this court decision - certainly the Hollyork mass media cartels won't put it on their news shows! Unless he does something stupid like draw attention to it by sending in attorneys to contest it in court, he's perfectly aware that it doesn't matter; if O J Simpson can get away with murder by playing the 'race card,' certainly HE can get away with election fraud ( ... )


prester_scott January 31 2012, 17:21:04 UTC
Pretty much this.

Nobody cares about this whole subject. Especially since "birthers" have been so thoroughly Quayled (let the reader understand).


blue_sky_day January 31 2012, 17:52:57 UTC
Explain? Neither google nor urbandictionary help.


prester_scott January 31 2012, 18:04:00 UTC
The major media destroyed VP Dan Quayle's credibility by simply ridiculing him mercilessly, cherry-picking and mocking his public gaffes, and so on. His character, his intellegence, and his ideas completely ceased to matter. No one even bothered to analyze what he said, they just focused on the goofs and mockery, and dismissed him.

Sarah Palin was also thoroughly Quayled during the 2008 election, which is why IMO the fact she didn't try to run for President is a good thing. The only difference is that conservatives still have a high opinion of Sarah Palin, but the Right is a lot better organized today, and there are more conservative media outlets, than in 1992. Palin is still despised amongst non-Tea Party types thanks to the Quayling. You might almost say that Tina Fey did it singlehandedly.

My contention here is that the "Birthers" have been successfully Quayled as well. No one cares whether their accusations have substance; they are seen as wackos and can be summarily dismissed.


irked_indeed January 31 2012, 17:05:48 UTC
Hang on, I'm a little confused/ignorant here.

Why does he not qualify as a natural-born citizen under the normal clauses? Wasn't that the point of the whole birth certificate thing?


banner January 31 2012, 19:16:20 UTC
because both parents have to qualify, and at least one of the parents who qualifies has to have lived in the US a certain number of years. His mother doesn't qualify either.

Then of course there is the whole issue of Barry's adoptive father, did he change barry's citizenship? And then of course the issue of barry traveling under a foreign passport.


tagryn January 31 2012, 21:54:23 UTC pretty much shot down all of those objections in their summary at
...{T}he qualifications listed in the example quoted above are moot because they refer to someone who was born outside the United States. Since Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, they do not apply to him. The Fourteenth Amendment states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." Since Hawaii is part of the United States, even if Barack Obama's parents were both non-U.S. citizens who hadn't even set foot in the country until just before he was born, he'd still qualify as a natural-born citizen.


rowyn January 31 2012, 22:22:14 UTC
Yes. It doesn't matter if his parents were illegal immigrants from the moon and his SSN was issued in 2028; if he was born on USA soil, he's a natural-born US citizen.


selenite January 31 2012, 17:07:53 UTC
His mother is a US citizen. So he's a citizen that way. Or is the claim that Anne Durham has been passing off some kid from overseas as her own?

There's no way Obama is going to get knocked off the ballot.


selenite January 31 2012, 19:15:33 UTC
Barack Obama's mother, Anne Durham, was a US citizen. (She died some years ago.) Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Barack Obama was a US citizen.

Your argument is the same one that the Birthers are now using against Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal, since both were born in the US to immigrant parents who were not yet citizens.


gothelittle January 31 2012, 19:18:14 UTC
You have to be more than just a U.S. citizen to qualify for President. You have to be a *natural-born* citizen. If you are born in the U.S., then you are a citizen from birth, but if both your parents are non-citizens, you are not considered "natural-born".

And then, if you weren't actually born *in* the U.S., the definitions get even trickier, even if one of your parents is a U.S. citizen. On top of it all, if you are natural-born into a different citizenship, you might not qualify for U.S. citizenship.

By British law, anybody born to a Kenyan father automatically becomes a British citizen by birth.

I haven't got a firm answer on the whole "is he a citizen" thing. But I recognize that it's a complicated issue.


catsofblue January 31 2012, 20:56:06 UTC
Anne Dunham was a US citizen and Barack Obama himself was born in Hawaii. Hawaii is a state. There's nothing complicated about this.

Were Obama born in Kenya to an American mother, he'd still be a US citizen, but possibly not eligible for the presidency, I'm not sure. Military bases count as US soil, which is why McCain was good to go for his presidential bid.

Bobby Jindal was born to Indian immigrant parents in New Orleans. Bobby Jindal is kosher for the presidency.

Mitt Romney was born in the US to a father who had been born in Mexico but became a US citizen. Mitt Romney is kosher for the presidency. So is Rick Santorum, although if he gets the nomination I *will* vote for Barack Obama, even though I dislike him.


Natural Born Citizen. anonymous January 31 2012, 18:21:30 UTC
Obama, like all US citizens born in the USA, is a Natural Born Citizen. The meaning of Natural Born refers to the PLACE of birth, not the parents ( ... )


Re: Natural Born Citizen. jordan179 February 1 2012, 06:39:15 UTC
Revealed this too.


Re: Natural Born Citizen. gothelittle February 1 2012, 13:08:20 UTC
That's why the court case included the problems with the long-form that multiple expert witnesses said should have at least been investigated for possible forgery, because part of the case is that there may not be sufficient evidence to prove that Obama was born on U.S. Soil.


Re: Natural Born Citizen. cutelildrow February 2 2012, 04:16:10 UTC
If Natural Born Citizen = jus solis, then that's the sum and total of whether or not my daughter is one (and thus, eligible for Presidency) - at least, from my understanding of the Wong Kim Ark ruling (I'm just using my daughter as the example as the situation is easier in the 'natural born citizen' angle - mother not a US citizen, daughter was born in the US and obtained citizenship via jus solis. Not using her because I think she should be President - I frankly don't think she should be, largely because she was raised outside of the US, though the culture is not so different.)

I still think that the crux of the case is whether or not Obama was born on US soil - and if he wasn't, investigation of the other qualifying laws apply. The problems with the long-form really is worrisome; that he didn't reveal them to allay the worries is eyebrow-raising.

...doh. I fell asleep while typing this out. I've lost my train of thought. -_-;;; sorry.


"Georgia Court Decided" anonymous January 31 2012, 18:23:23 UTC
You are getting ahead of the facts. The court will accept briefs in the case until February 5.


Re: "Georgia Court Decided" jordan179 February 1 2012, 06:38:56 UTC
Yes, you're right -- my mistake.


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