As someone who has been watching the decline of Britain, and the descent of Europe into utter disconnections with reality, for some time now, I was amused to hear of this. From the Daily Mail, "Parents who smack their children should be prosecuted, says Europe human rights body," by Jack Doyle ( courtesy of Gates of Vienna (, we find that the EU has made another Deep Moral Pronouncement:
Parents who smack their children should be prosecuted for assault, a European human rights group said last night.
The Council of Europe is calling for a complete ban on smacking across the continent, saying even the smallest slap can leave psychological damage.
One official even compared parents who smack to men who violently beat their wives.
The Council says that Britain lags behind other countries who have initiated a ban.
Where to begin?
First of all, the EU obviously believes that Britain has totally lost its collective balls, since they assume that Britain would tamely enforce such a ban just because the EU told them too. Unfortunately, they are probably right regarding Britain's current lack of self-respect. The British, who fought and won at least five major wars (against Philip II, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Wilhelm II and Hitler) to ensure that no Continental despot could tell them what to do, now croak "How high?" when Europe asks them to jump -- some 75% of Britain's current legislation emnates from Brussels.
Secondly, as is known quite well to anyone who reads my blog, Europe is facing a cultural crisis caused largely by Muslim men who treat their wives and children like slaves (including, of course, beating them at whim) and believe that they have the right to kill any relatives who "dishonor" them through dissent. So what does the EU do? Focus on the burning and urgent issue of children being mildly smacked by their parents. This is starting a Swimming Pool Safety Campaign on the Titanic.
Britain is among a handful of European states, including France and Poland, who are holding out against the pressure for a ban.
Careful, can't have too much sanity survive here -- it might wake the other sheep up from their collective dream!
Council of Europe deputy secretary general Maud de Boer-Buquicchio said even smacks which did not leave a mark could cause serious psychological harm.
She said: 'Children are not mini-human beings with mini-human rights.
'Even if there are no visible scars on the children there can be other scars because of the humiliating effect.
Given that another part of this cultural crisis consists of European children being bullied, raped and even lethally-attacked by the children of these Muslim men, who are training the next generation to believe that they have a right to batter non-Muslims whenever they feel like it, this brings the surreality to new heights.. And the respective European governments standing aside and letting this happen -- except when the European kids fight back, at which point they intervene with all the force and majesty of the law. But of course, this couldn't "scar" children with any sort of "humiliating effect," right? Certainly not compared to being mildly smacked by their own parents ...
So Europe continues its descent into delusion, boldly staving off smacks to small children, while shutting its eyes to (literal) murders.