View of the Tea Partiers as Racist

Apr 29, 2010 05:46

So, I was mildly shocked at a reaction from an old friend of mine to my post "Obamacare's Passed - Now What?" (, which begins in the thread "So Jordan, You're a Teabagger Now?" (he's "Anonymous"). Not so much the notion that, because of my financial mistakes in the past, I'm not allowed to oppose Obamacare, as the obvious and honest belief on his part that the Tea Partiers are moronic racists who kill families in their homes and hate Jews.

I would appreciate it if some other people would reply to him, politely, and help explain to him how his notion of the Tea Party movement is quite wrong. Links might help, both ones to the actual composition of the Tea Parties, and to the recent Democratic effort to discredit them through the use of agents provocteurs. Being rude to him would not help, as it would simply confirm his prejudices.

I greatly fear that quite a lot of urban America has swallowed these sorts of lies hook, line and sinker, because I don't think that he's lying. Merely very badly misinformed.

tea party, america, health care, meta, political

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