(no subject)

Jul 05, 2015 10:19

On June 2nd Cody and I spent four hours at the church fireworks stand.  We stayed from 4-8 pm.  We gossiped with others, and read, and ate ice cream.  There was a kiddie pool to stick our feet into with a clump of ice floating in it for awhile.  It felt so good.  We didn't have any sales until just before we left.  Fireworks are expensive!

Yesterday we went back to the stand for one hour just to visit then to Jesse's for the party.  Only about 5 people showed but they were nice ones.  I've never met them before and it turned out well.  We played board games like Monopoly Hotel and Blokus.  There was chicken and mac-n-cheese and lots of dessert.  On the way home fireworks were exploding everywhere.  It seems like this year there were a lot more neighborhood ones than ever before and fewer business events.  The neighborhood ones were large and bright, too.  Not just sparklers and whistlers but high in the sky explosions.  Cody and I walked to the corner and just watched for half-an-hour.  It was nice.

I have been watching a lot of reruns.  With Julianna we have been watching Star Trek in order and also Longmire.  With Cody, we have been watching Gilmore Girls.  With Terry, we have been watching Supernatural all over again.  It's a good thing I work if only to get some exercise.

church, holidays, cod, family, jes, jules

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