Classy as Shit!

Aug 14, 2012 18:26

The retreat is drawing ever closer (one month, EEK!), and tonight I begin working on the slideshow. I always feel like I leave it sitting way too long, (though I'm three weeks ahead of my usual schedule, as I usually end up making it days before the retreat) but it's always kind of my amp-up to being in camp-counselor mode. Making the slideshow from the year before and remembering everything that happened makes me SO excited for the next one, and I don't want that excitement to dwindle if I put the slideshow together too long before the next retreat.

Other than oodles of meetings/brainstorming, I've been working SO MUCH! I'm sure when I've worked multiple jobs the hours added up to more than I've been doing lately, but still. I'm used to 40-42 hours a week, and even just added the 3-7 extra hours lately is draining me. Thankfully today and yesterday I got out fairly early, so I picked up some surprises for Kevin in Manchester, and hung out with my dad for a while. I also nabbed my mom's old laptop so I could start the slideshow tonight (the old version of Windows Movie Maker has a cross-fade feature, and though the new Windows Movie Maker Live has some other improvements, it doesn't have cross-fading. It's a necessity for a smooth-sounding slideshow, otherwise the song transitions are SO choppy. /geeking out over video editing software),

My Aunt Lynn (who isn't my favorite, but wasn't too bad this visit) and my Uncle Jeff (poor. bastard.) just came up from Florida, and I saw them Sunday. I drank a ton of wine, and I came to the realization that I really, genuinely, do not enjoy drinking that much. There's certain things I like the taste of, but I just don't like the way it makes me feel, and how much it inhibits me. It also bothered me how many times in the past year I've let myself drink enough that I couldn't even drive, ruining plenty of nights for plenty of other people.
It's just shitty, and I feel shitty doing it. I'd feel different about it, especially when it comes to ruining Kevin's nights because I can't even walk straight, if I was in a relationship with someone that does drink. 'cause we could enjoy drinking together, or take turns being DD. I don't hold it against him that he doesn't drink, as he doesn't hold it against me when I do. I've never felt like he was judging me or looking down on me for doing it, but let's be honest: it sucks when you're the sober one trying to babysit the drunk guy. I don't wanna be that guy anymore.
Last night I pledged that I'm not going to consume anymore alcohol. This may seem extreme, but I've considered this many-a-time before, for myself. Obviously Kevin will appreciate this gesture more than someone else might, so I can also look at it as something that'll be one more thing we can share. =]
Of course, Kevin being Kevin, when I phrased my intentions as "I'm goin' dry!" he gestured to my nether-region and said "Oh no, not there!!" and after giggling I explained what I meant.

To summarize: it's just not worth it for me anymore.

Anyways, I've wasted enough time dicking around online and eating pub cheese, I must get on with the slideshow!

retreat!, life!

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