I Won't Tell You the Title.

Aug 21, 2012 19:21

I'm watching a show that I am 100% embarrassed about, thank god Kevin's working late.
And by that I mean it's officially harvest time, and it's kind of a bummer.
I learned last year it's pretty tough not being able to see him (other than sleeping....seriously. I wait to have dinner with him, we watch tv while we eat, and then it's time for bed. Poor fuckin' guy.) and not being able to go and do anything with him, and not including him in ANY of my plans until Thanksgiving. Especially since there's so many fun autumn festivities I always wanted to do on cute date nights. Not that I don't enjoy doing those fun fall things with friends, but it's just those wistful daydreams of teenage Jo not being able to happen.
The trials and tribulations of dating a farmer! haha
We live together though, so it could certainly be worse. I would literally (no, FOR REALZ) never see him for three months if not for the fact we share sleeping quarters, haha.
Also, it's the best possible time of year, every year, for him to be super busy, 'cause the retreat is every fall and along with a few other senior members of TEAM I really put a lot of work into everything I do for it. It's stressful and seemingly unecessary, but it feels good to have such a big part in such a big project every year. Keeps me on my feet, :)

Enough whining, time to edit more pictures for the slideshow. This will be my life for the next three weeks. After that I'll just be exhausted for days! haha


p.s. - Crash Kings show will be my one outing between now and Sep. 15th, and I get to go with/see SO MANY FRIENDS. Ack, I can't wait!

retreat!, life!

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