The Itchy and Scratchy Shooooow!

Jul 30, 2012 13:55



I dread even having to take a shower 'cause no matter what type of products I use, I'm always itchy for hours after. And I usually shower every other day, sometimes more if I've gotten all sweaty. And I'm itchy on and off that whole time in between. I even took a bath the other day with the Skin So Soft bath oil, which is super supposed to help, and it didn't really do much. But it's the worst right after a shower, and I've tried a bunch of lotions and special body washes and I just can't find something that works.
It's mostly my legs (surprisingly they itch less if I've just shaved), sometimes my arms, and the skin kind of around my, uh, lady parts? (Not my actual bits, thanks god...though that'd be a whole 'nother issue. I'm clean, I swear!) TMI!

ANNNNNYWAYS, I just dunno what to do. I have this face astringent with witch hazel in it, and I heard that's (at least pure witch hazel) really really good for itchy skin, and anything that gets inflamed (which it does if I itch). So maybe I'll try applying a bit of that.

I dunno if it's a matter of being really vigilant about using a certain product for a while, but it's fucking unbearable sometimes and I've had to go home or leave the room 'cause I can't help but squirm and try not to scratch all my skin off.

Over the past year or two I've developed pretty bad allergies. I guess I can't technically call it allergies, 'cause I didn't react to any actual allergens (and by didn't react, I mean my skin got red and swollen at every injection site, and the control injection was OUT OF CONTROL, but that was just cause all of my skin hates me), but I just have a ridiculously sensitive nose/eyes/everything that reacts to allergies. So I'm assuming my skin has become just as sensitive. Maybe this is just part of getting old?

Blah. I guess the reason I'm bringing this up is to find out if anybody has a lotion, body wash, creme, natural remedy that they live by, if anybody has similar problems. Any other type of advice I guess. I haven't tried any skin cremes that are specifically "antihistamine", maybe that's all I need.

Anyways, I've just been having a tough time with this for a while now, but other wise things are pretty okay! I'm on vacation this week! I did go to the doctor last week 'cause I thought I found a fucking HUGE tumor or something, but it's just a gross cyst, so now I'm on antibiotics and using all of the heating pads to get it to go away or at least shrink it down. At least I don't have a stomach bug or super bummer of a cold like I usually get during vacation.

I've been taking pictures of all my past projects and putting them in an album on facebook so I can kinda have my own little look-book or portfolio or whatever. I was ridiculously surprised at how many shirt reconstructions/craft projects I've done, and that's probably not even half of what I've done total, just a lot of stuff has been lost over the years.

Well I think I'm gonna try taking a shower (though I am absolutely dreading it, for previously mentioned reasons) and then have girly nail-painting hangouts with Sarah! (speaking of, SERIOUSLY FUCK PLYMOUTH. SO HARD.)

Hope everyone is doing (I'm good at grammar...!)



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