Midnight Shifter!

Jul 14, 2012 01:41

I'm glad I don't write people off very quickly. It's nice going into a whole room of people I don't see nearly often enough, and being genuinely glad to see each and every one of them. It's nice wanting to know what they've been up to, and how they're doing, and making sure they're happy, even if things are stressful in their lives.
And it's nice to know they give a shit about me to. It seems abrasive, but having old friends check on me and say things like "Kevin still treating you well? You still happy with him? 'cause if not..." is really, truly appreciated. Sometimes people need that outside person to be like "So really, how are you?" and making you think about it.
I gotta say though, I'm happier than a pig in shit.
Not everything in my life is perfect, but I'm a stable enough person now, and I have a stable group of friends, I'm in a stable relationship, and I have a stable job.
It's not me settling for being comfortable. It's me reveling in the fact that I am HAPPY.

I feel like I'm a bit of an asshole to some people, sometimes. But part of me getting to the mental state I'm in now has taken a lot of work. Between growing a spine and standing up for myself, having the confidence to talk to people I used to have on pedestals and realizing we're all on the same level, and having the nerve to be upfront with things that are bothering (or, as shown by last weekend, being upfront with people I don't really like.).

I dunno what I'm getting at. I just came from a really bittersweet going away party, and was kind of shocked with how welcoming everyone was with me even though I'm never around that group anymore, and having great shootin'-the-shit sessions with really good friends.

Now I must try to sleep without itching my countless bug bites from said going away party.



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