Has This Been Here The Whole Time?

Apr 16, 2012 21:10

I've been standing up for myself a lot more, which is something I've been in a life-long struggle with, but I've been pretty good about it lately. It's worth pushing through the fear of what someone's reaction will be to me being assertive, to get some kind of results. Or at least get it off my chest and let whoever it is know that something is bothering me/needs to be fixed.

I was mostly afraid of becoming some huge bitch, but I think the way I've been going about approaching confrontations has been pretty reasonable. I think the people I'm approaching are more surprised that I'm even saying anything, than that whatever they're doing is bothering me.

It's really good too that I'm speaking up with people including Kevin. Not that he's some kind of crazy asshole tyrant that beats me down or anything. But I don't ever wanna be that girlfriend that just takes whatever he dishes out for the sake of the relationship. If I'm getting treated like shit, then the relationship can go right out the fucking window. I don't ever feel threatened or scared of him though, and it's not like we even really fight. Ever, actually.

One of my main functions is to avoid confrontations. I'm learning that's not always the best way to sort shit out. Sometimes I gotta face stuff head on. Which scares the crap out of me when it's happening, but I'm getting better at thinking on my feet and kicking the weird ball of tension right in the ass.

Anyways, just wanted to kinda give myself a pat on the back for growing a little bit of a spine lately.

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