Never Had to Knock on Wood!

Apr 28, 2012 14:08

So...(I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say at least 78% of my entries start the same way, haha)

I'm splitting the mortgage with Kevin and his mom. I'm not signing my name onto anything, but his dad's being a fuckhead so somebody has to step up and help Kathy out. J&K to the rescue! Each of us work enough where it won't be too much of a hassle to pay our parts for the mortgage and utilities and such. Thankfully my car is paid off and auto insurance has diminished (also being on my dad's health insurance is a huge help, 'cause it was over $300 a month on my own plan, as opposed to $8 to add me to his), and my only other bill is my cell phone, so I can afford it.

It will mean possibly not going on a big trip over my vacation from work like I was hoping, but what else is new. I'm still gonna save as much as I can for a trip to CA with Sarah, 'cause she's finally graduating, and I wanna fucking go somewhere for once!! Not that the little trips to NYC and Montreal and other nearby places haven't been enjoyable, and I AM going to Chicago in like two weeks for a couple days, but I want to go on a REAL vacation. To a place I've never come close to going to before. I've never been west of Kentucky, and that was for extremely laborious volunteer work (again, not that I didn't have fun, but it wasn't a vacaaation).

Anyways, so I'm trying to be more conscious about where my money goes. So less shows (though, I only go to a fraction of what I used to. Pretty much never during the week.), and going out to eat less. This shouldn't be too hard, I have a million projects to occupy my time at the house, and so many books to read and all that. I just have to make a point to hang out with friends at someone's house, instead of going out for dinner or somewhere else that costs lost of money. Or is forever away, 'cause gas prices are getting ridiculous again.

On a completely different note, does anyone use a serger for sewing? 'cause I've been fiddling with the Singer one Kevin got me for Christmas, and I still can't get it to work right. I haven't even managed to keep it threaded without something going terribly wrong, let alone actually put fabric through it.

I was s'posed to see Tristan Omand do a free show in Manchester today, but I was gonna bike up there from the house and ride around after the show, but it's SO WINDY, and the show is already halfway through. So I think it's safe to say I won't be going, haha. But I do get long-lost cousin hangouts tonight.

Jessica and Anna are two cousins I haven't seen since my grandfather's funeral, and that was years ago. We didn't recognize each other at first, haha. But it'll be fun wandering around Portsmouth with them, Jenny, and my favorite cousin Katie. =] Lady's night!

Alright, I think I'm gonna try to fix the JET shirt I messed up a bit sewing this morning, and fiddle with some other projects before I go do family hangouts. Hope everyone is having a good spring so far!

p.s.!!! - I'm making a Ramona Flowers costume for Free Comic Book Day next weekend!!!
I'm basing it off this picture:
And I'm gonna make the big hammer she uses! I loved the movie, but I like comic-book-Ramona a bit more than movie-Ramona. It's been so fun making the stuff so far, I can't wait to finish it! I'll definitely post pictures, =]


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