What's With These Homies Dissin' My Girl?

Sep 04, 2011 17:29

I just came inside from helping seed the lawn that Kevin's spent all day laying new dirt on, and covering it in hay, and watering it. I can't believe how much fun I had doing yardwork, but I guess I really missed it. We had the most beautiful lawn when we lived on Vinton St. (the shithole one-room apartment my family lived in for 14+ years, so basically...where I grew up) 'cause my dad and I would work the shit out of it, and it was great. My sister and my mom had two gorgeous flower beds and it was just so nice doing homework under the maple tree after school, running around with the dog, picking veggies and fruit and reading in the shade on hot days. Then all the years since then (junior year of high school?) I had no place to do any of that. But now that I live at Kevin's, and have finally felt settled in here with him and his mom, I can pitch in with the work, and enjoy that feeling of "Hey, we made this beautiful."

Anyways, life is fuckin' great. I am so completely in love with this farm boy, it's insane to think it's only been six months. And I thought it'd be way weirder living with his mom, but she wants me here just as much as I want to be here. We get along really well, and she's grateful I came into Kevin's life when I did, with them getting divorced all that right before we met. He was in a tough spot, and I guess I've helped. Both of us are so much happier together than we were apart. And we're not staying at his mom's house just to be cheapskates, he doesn't want her alone. Which is understandable. Though she's one tough lady for dealing with the shit she has and being as okay with life as she is.

Speaking of hard shit to deal with, since Jenny's already posted about it and anyone reading this and cares is friends with her anyway: Jenny and Martin have split. It's hard to watch this happen, it's worse than seeing my parents split up, but she's gonna be so much happier after all the shit is through. Plus she's got a good support system, to keep her head above water. But I'm damn sure she can do almost anything, she's such a champ. Poor girl's been through so much shitty guy stuff, so Martin pulling the crazy stunts he does and acting like such an asshole is the last thing she needs, so I'm glad she's made a stand against it. It's hard for the kids, but it's not like Martin's getting completely cut out of their lives or anything, so they should adjust fine. The dogs need to find new homes, which seems to be the toughest thing to deal with. But Jenny is taking my two kitties (Laz and Moss) to her new apartment, which is a huge fuckin' relief on my part. My only regret moving out of my parents apartment, other than leaving my mom with those nutjobs on her own, is that I couldn't take either of the kitties with me. It was heartbreaking abandoning them there with those stupid fuckin' dogs and that stupid piece of shit my brother's banging. But hey, they'll get to live with Jenny and the kids, and I can visit all the time! =D!

Anyways, time for dinner and then ice cream with some friends.

Life is good. Life is real good.



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