(no subject)

Aug 23, 2003 07:57

Had good fun yesterday with the girls at our "musical reunion", where we managed a rather decent rendering of "Yo-Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me)" within less than ten minutes (aye, the art of sight-reading has been mastered). Also, followed someone's advice in jacksparrowfans and swam in Nat's backyard pool with the PotC soundtrack booming out from the balcony. (Interesting effect. Imagined the neighbours coming out on all the balconies and gazing up at the skies in style of old musical when track 14 played.)

On way home, Svet started obsessing over the fact that she'd only seen PotC once. Looks like I'll have to break another resolution, along with #10 I WILL make Jack Sparrow 1024x768 wallpapers, #15 I WILL NOT complain about going to swim, and #19 I WILL NOT start another book until having finished Phantastes and Keat's Poems (still lying about without progress, though I have finished 5 other novels in the interim). Ah well. All for a good cause. ^_^

real life, movies, music, awesomeness, friends, books

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