Hey everyone who reads this thing! I know I haven't updated in a long time, but things have been busybusybusy here in Johnland, the Weirdest Goddamn Place in the World (tm). I'm actually doing well in school, so that's something, but I've also been busy with my RADIO SHOW. For those not in the know, a friend and I host a show on UMBC's radio station every Thursday from 9-11pm. It's tons of fun, we talk about the news, make jokes, talk about pop culture, make jokes, interview people, make jokes, and play some fantastic music. You can listen to it world-wide by going to
http://wmbc.umbc.edu and clicking the "MP3 HI" button and it streams through your computer to your brain! Technology!
Speaking of interviews, this Thursday, April 19, 2007, we will have Duff Goldman from Food Network's "Ace of Cakes" on the show! In the studio! Talking to us like we're important! It's going to be a blast, so tell your neighbors, friends, enemies, and random people. In fact, if you tell your enemies and they like the show/Duff they might start to like you more and then you might start to like them more, so there's always that. Mark your calendars!
Remember: Dig it! With Dan and John- Thursdays at 9 to 11pm.
Oh, I almost forgot- if you click the black button that says "Chat", you'll be connected to our IRC channel that allows you to talk to us in the studio. Great fun!