Anti-tax leftists

Feb 28, 2006 00:44

Bob Lewis is my favorite techie pundit, and probably would be even if Bob Metcalfe came back to do more punditing. Not that those two would see eye to eye on anything, especially if the subject turned to politics. Lewis always has great insights on techie management which (as I've told him) would make him a great libertarian-leaning conservative if he applied them to his political views. Instead, he tends towards the left.

But this time he's bashing some of the wackier nut cases on the left instead of going after George Bush or free marketers. (AS an aside, note that I said "or", not "and".)

Here are excerpts from his latest: Can AOL uncan premium spam. (Yuck. I see his web site is one of those that uses javascript instead of static links.)

Take's current campaign against AOL's plan to offer a premium e-mail delivery service. I'm a bit surprised that Amnesty International hasn't filed a complaint against for torturing logic so cruelly. ...

I'll keep it as brief as I can. inaccurately describes AOL's plan as an e-mail tax when it's nothing more than a usage-based alternative to flat-rate pricing. It is vaguely amusing to see an organization on the political left use "tax" as a red-flag word, though. Grover Norquist must be pleased.

Good point. I hadn't thought of that while scratching my head over that e-mail from (Yes, I'm on their mailing list. I pledged to give them a couple of million dollars back when they were getting started. Or maybe it was twenty thousand. It doesn't really matter. It was a first-rate professional liar that they were defending, remember?)
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