
Mar 01, 2006 00:12


This Matt Davies cartoon appeared in today's Kalamazoo Gazette and in The Journal News on 23-Feb-2006

It reminds me that it works the other way, too. I wonder how many of the same people who warn about the dangers of xenophobia in the case of the Dubai Ports World are the same people who warn about jobs being outsourced to furriners. In fact, in the Gazette, there is an article by Thomas Friedman on the same page with the cartoon. Friedman warns that "we must not go down this road of global ethnic profiling, looking for Arabs under our beds the way we once looked for commies."

OK, the next question is whether Friedman is a hypocrite. What has he had to say about globalization?

Alta Vista found me a page on Friedman's web site where he has publisher's blurbs about his book on that very topic, "The Lexus and the Olive Tree." And here is what one of the blurbs says:

"Friedman is a card-carrying global optimist, and he excels when analyzing how a new international system is replacing the old cold-war system. His book contains a stinging rebuke to protectionists, isolationists, and others who want to stop the process of globalization for their own benefit--and to the detriment of most of the populace.... The global economy is still evolving, and Friedman's work in progress is a timely read." --Business Week, Christopher Farrell

So, Friedman at least is NOT a hypocrite on this topic. He has been reasonably consistent.

That's a good place to drop the subject for now. No more hypocrite-hunting tonight.
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