I ran some
playtests at Arcanacon. I'm looking to do a few more now. If you are interested,
The Kabuki game isn't really a game, and it isn't really about Kabuki. It is a way for kids to create stories together. We give them characters from the National Gallery of Victoria's Ukiyo-e collection and a way to create a story together.
For these playtests, I want to look at how small groups can quickly create good stories. I'm looking for a couple of groups of about 5 - 8 people who want to help.
I would like to come to you, bringing a small mock-up of a theater and a set of puppets. Each puppet is drawn from an artwork and has a bit of a blurb attached. There are also some props and a couple of different backgrounds.
I would like you to come up with a small story and then act it out with the puppets. If there are enough people to have an audience, they will give some feedback. Then we will do it again. I think that it will take about half an hour to make a story, and about five minutes to act it out. In an evening we would probably do two stories.
At the end, I want to have a discussion about how you created your stories and what advice I can give teachers and kids to help that process along.
For the historically minded, the puppets are:
The backgrounds are:
- Lake Biwa in the moonlight.
- Gojo Bridge, in Kyoto.