That didn't work

May 22, 2011 09:27

Ok, so much for the food diary. I'm now on a specific diet, so I may try the diary project again (for the third + time). I've been put on a low carb, diabetic-type diet. 30g of carb for lunch & dinner, 15g for breakfast and 3 snacks per day and walk for 10 minutes after each meal (generally happens for dinner, less often for lunch, never for breakfast). Plus blood sugar testing 4 times/day (first thing in the morning and 2 hours after each meal). I've had PCOS for years, which led to insulin resistance. That led to borderline diabetes per my a1c and then to full out type 2 diabetes about 1.5 years ago. I was managing it with medication, which is why it didn't come up too often. I think the medication was a crutch that let me eat too much junk, but whatever. However, now I'm off the medicine. Why? Because I'm pregnant. :)  Apparently when you're pregnant you come off pretty much all medication. I'm off my asthma med, too. I was allowed 2 safer allergy meds to replace the 3 I was on. They're doing ok, although not great.

So, yeah, 15 weeks pregnant and counting, and the diet is driving me mildly nuts. It's not hard...until I want something sweet. Pretty much I can't have sweets unless I want NO starch with dinner. even then, most sweets are way, way too carb heavy. I'm already taking two shots of long-acting insulin per day. If I don't stick with the diet, I have to add in 2 more of short-acting insulin, 1 each before lunch and dinner. I had a major spazz the first time I had to do that (and the first time I had to stick my finger). Don't ever spazz over it. They use the world's tiniest needles and you really don't feel anything 90% of the time. The finger prick hurts occaionally, but it goes away pretty quick, too. *shrug*

As for food, breakfast is the easiest of the day. I typically have some sort of egg beater or real egg thing (today was 2-egg equivalent of egg beater omelet w/ american cheese), 1 slice of toast (today half a small plain bagel w/ cream cheese), and a glass of milk. Morning snack is usually half a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain toast and afternoon snack is usually a small blueberry greek yogurt from TJs (it JUST makes the cut off). Lunch is leftovers from dinner, so dinner is where my challenge lies. Last night we got burgers from Five Guys, so I had mine without the bun and a small amount of french fries (ate just 1/3 or so of what I put on my plate). Probably should have had a salad, but the lettuce on the burger counts, right? :)

Tonight we need to go back to meal planning, now with a low carb bent, so I'll post that later. But, yeah, that's what's up with me. The pregnancy is also making me flake out on things due to fatigue (and I think the lyme fatigue isn't helping), but theoretically that should start to ease up.

More posts to come, I think, although I don't use my computer much lately, ever since I got an android phone. But it's not great for long typing.

food diary, health, pregnancy

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