*happy dance* I have a new freelance client, one I'm quite excited about. I requested a small project to start, due to the new work hours, and they obliged. I'm hoping this will be the start of long relationship. :) Since I haven't seen the NDA yet (and I'm sure there's an NDA), I'll refrain from naming them for now.
In addition, I'm going to be working on proofing back issues of
Code Name: Hunter . That shouldn't take too long; the last isuse was pretty solid. And, of course, there's less changes you can make when layout is already done. Nothing stylistic, just basic grammar & spelling.
Of course, I overplanned myself next week with "stuff I must do before I start work". Monday is an altar guild meeting/Christmas party at the rector's house. Tuesday I'm helping the kids in my mom's class make gingerbread houses. Wednesday DH is off, so we'll probably get shopping and other errands done, and Thursday I have a hair appointment. Friday is blessedly empty, since Saturday I have to be at the church at 10am to help clean & polish and generally set up for Christmas. And then, the new job starts Dec 15. Figures, DH will have to spend that first week working 2pm-10pm, disrupting my planned schedule. Bah. Ah well, it's a side effect of his job. I'm getting excited and just the wee bit nervous.