Each of us is made of a tally of mistakes and successes

Dec 02, 2013 17:55

Happy December to all and sundry!  (LJ seems pretty quiet, so I'm not sure if anyone's still here.)

Things I'm thankful for:
  • Movember is over.
  • A lovely holiday with asimplechord and her husband, including hockey and gluttony.  We made this awesome salad, which I'll be making at home (in a smaller quantity), and A demonstrated how to make scones using a food processor so I can try them using my new b-day gift.
  • Work is good and life is good generally.
Slightly cranky-making things:
  • Winter is coming or here, which means I walk around restraining the urge to scream at random strangers to blow their damn noses rather than sniffle-snort all the time.
  • I'm sort of stalled with 10 lbs to go.  My GP is pleased if I just maintain but I want those last 10 lbs, dammit.  I'm on hiatus for the holidays though.
  • A trollish comment at my other blog really pissed me off.  Rather than delete it, I'm going to respond generally and specifically.  The TL; DR summary:  if you want to be taken as a professional, act like one; readers are buying your book/product, and your personal situation is irrelevant; in short, stop whining and grow the fuck up.

apropos of nothing, stuff to eat, family, rant

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