~ Work. Not furloughed. Yet. But we're all waiting for our funding to dry up.
~ I found a consignment shop nearby that I really like. I've left some stuff there; if it doesn't sell, it'll get donated, so it's all good. And I found a coat, jacket, work skirt, sweater, and shoes for under $100, so my budget is happy.
~ Procrastinating about going shopping for a wedding gift. The happy couple is registered at a store I can't leave without buying a ridiculous amount of home-stuff that I didn't actually need.
~ Family. Love and frustration. If dinner invitation is for 4:30, please don't arrive at 3pm. That's poor guest manners, even for family.
~ I ordered an Opera cake from
Patisserie Poupon since it was a birthday dinner for Mom and aunt. When I showed it to Mom, she said no one had ever gotten her a proper bakery cake before. Which made me think: I've baked for her and served grocery store cakes, and I know others have done the same. But never a dedicated bakery cake before? Will do again, trying other Poupon cakes for other occasions. (I really want to try the Spanish marzipan cake.)
So I've lost a little more than 115 lbs. It's weird because I see the same person in the mirror with the same problem areas (jelly belly and jiggley upper arms). According to various BMI and weight charts, I need to lose 2 more points and/or 16-26 more pounds to be just within a healthy (not overweight) range for my height. I'm still going to the gym and sticking to the improved diet (well, excluding birthday cake) but I'm not sure if 16-26 lbs more is possible. That would basically be a 50% loss from where I started and the change is too big for me to contemplate, even as a long term goal...it was too big at the outset and still feels that way now. I work better with short term: three pounds this month, then re-evaluate.
At a family party, other people kept asking about it. I never brought it up and changed the subject whenever possible :( Was I sick? How did I do it? Was I planning any other big life changes? (Side note: people have asked me if I'm getting married now and if a man was behind the weight loss. Uh, no. I did it because I was unhealthy and uncomfortable in my own body. And I have a lot of thoughts about that discomfort and how visible or invisible I was in public because of my weight and how that has noticeably changed but that's a whole different post or series of posts.) Several people mistook me for my sister and one person said they didn't know who I was at first. Which, okay. Weird since I see the same person in the mirror that I saw two years ago. And my sister and I don't look that much alike, I think.
I fit back into a suit I bought as a 1L for job interviews. I've moved that damn suit from apartment to apartment to house to condo, swearing I'd fit into it again someday. I do fit it. But it's actually a little large now, which completely boggled me when I put it on last week. My closet is emptying as I let go of things that are too large, that I've been told should never be worn in public again or even around the house on sloppy weekends. I'm keeping a few things, like some nice suits, but hope to never need them again.