listen up, punk

Jun 24, 2005 22:58

snurched from kniedzw:

Things I'd Say To A 16 Year-Old Me
  1. Go with your passions. You'll be confused for a while on what exactly you want to do with your life, but in the end, you have to go with what excites you.
  2. You have some talent as a fiction writer, but don't let it go to your head. Take criticism seriously, and try to learn from others who might have something helpful to say.
  3. Leave your ego at the door. All it'll do is make your life miserable.
  4. Yes, dating is hard, but keep at it. That girl that you're positive will turn you down just might surprise you. And if she says no, shrug it off and keep looking.
  5. You're positive that you'll never ever have sex with a woman, and your first time will take a while in happening, but it will happen.
  6. You hate that all your friends are hooking up, and you don't have anyone, but don't worry about it. Just have fun and try not to feel pressured to be in a relationship. It's not worth sending yourself into an anxiety attack.
  7. People will tell you that you won't find love until you stop actively looking for it, and they're absolutely right. This will be extremely difficult to do, but it'll be worth it. You'll meet the absolute love of your life, and it'll take you completely wonderfully by surprise.
  8. Try not to accumulate so much stuff. And take it easy on the book-buying. The library is your friend.
  9. Don't give up, even when you really want to.
  10. Keep trying new things, and continue having an open mind.
  11. After you graduate from college, stay away from Birchtree Apartments, even though it's the most affordable apt complex around. You don't like being shot at, do you?
  12. Two words: graduate school
  13. Whatever it is, don't take it personally. Think zen. Be cool. Groovy.


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