The Road Back to Fawcett City

Apr 11, 2006 18:43

The paper trail on Sheriff Taylor Griffiths was surprisingly slim. Even in Fawcett he was surprisingly low key. Retired in the 1970s, clean record. Seemingly receded from public life after that -- few appearances, few doctor visits. Over time, he seemed to simply not exist.

But other bits of information were invisible, too. No death certificate. No signs that his property had changed hands at any point. As far as anyone could tell, the Sheriff was alive -- over a hundred years old, but alive.

The man who turned away John Smith when Balbo the Boy Magician disappeared, was, too all appearances, still residing in property his family had held for generations in the center of Fawcett City -- near the center of the pentagram that Balbo had realized was formed when you plotted on a map the disappearances of inner-city children he'd been tracking.

Boston Brand -- unable to directly intervene due to the particular magics of the situation -- shadowed Jim Gordon thrrough his investigation, watching him like a very, very dead Hawk. But hey, the Hawks always come back, so that's OK.

Every tenth Halloween, the ghost of Balbo the Boy Magician has been cursed to rise up and murder a hero. The only way to break the curse is to find his remains.

His mission's almost over. So why is it that he can't shake the feeling it's just beginning?

deadman, as time goes by, jim gordon, balbo

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