(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 22:55

The roar of the engines filled his ears until they felt like they would burst. The noise was so loud the aircraft crew were only able to communicate through hand signals. That was military equipment for you.

The Unknown looked to his left. The plane's jump door was already open and waiting, letting in the cold night air. They were at a high enough altitude he was being required to breath through an oxygen mask, but the mission called for stealth and the only type of jump that would work here would be a HALO. With a nervous jitter in his stomach he reminded himself it would be his first outside of training.

With the noise keeping him companion, it was giving him plenty of time to think. Something that was good to get out of the way before the mission began. No time to think on the battlefield after all. The same question kept playing through his mind now though. The question, 'why?'; why was he willing to jump into a foreign country at three in the morning? What made it ok to disappear for days, months, and even years? Was it the flag painted on the side of the plane? Maybe the belief in the rightness of his cause, or in helping his brother in arms out?

It was none of those things really. It was the understanding that in order for there to be a free world, everyone had to be free. To protect the rights of one man, called for the rights of everyman to be protected. That when Thomas Jefferson had first wrote the line 'We the people' he wasn't speaking for just one nation or one group. To limit freedom like that is to never have it in the first place. No, Mr. Jefferson had meant 'All the people'. That was why when the jump light went from red to green The Unknown stood up and shuffled to the door. There was only one thought as he the wind whistled by the holes he had for ears.

"We the people, shall not perish from the earth."

unknown soldier

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