(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 16:36

After crawling out of that dark, rolling nausea that follows a couple of weeks of drunken nights...only made worse by deciding to drink with the newly memory challenged Jason Blood...John had finally decided it was time to shower, shave and rejoin the human race for a little while.

There was an odd cheeping sound that kept intruding on his thoughts but for the life of him he had no idea what it was. When he was in the shower it was quieter, and when he was debating throwing out his clothes and starting over instead of attempting to wash the smell of smoke and cheap alcohol (and sometimes brimstone and blood) out of them it was much louder. Until he finally stumbled across that damned cell phone Zee had given him half under the bed.

He'd taken a call sometime in the night and didn't turn it off afterwards, not that he remembered it through the black alcoholic amnesia around his brain, and the number looked familiar...

Oh bollocks.

He decided he'd better pop round Shadowcrest and see if Zee was home before she hunted him down to kick his arse sideways and back for being back and not telling her.

john constantine

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