She's back at the bag training again.

Apr 10, 2006 19:29

All those nightmares and bad feelings about Garth being stalked by misfortune had been getting to her. She hoped it was just coincidence, but more and more it seems the attacks just kept coming and coming, sinking lower and lower. Getting closer to who they were as people and less about what they did in costume.

She'd heard Dolphin had been there and talked with Garth. She hadn't been in the city. Last time she had really talked with Garth was the Games to bring her back to the world of the living. They'd promised to catch up, but life had had other plans. Last she had heard though, things were not going well for him personally. Even though it had been so soon after Mera died, she'd seen him after Dark Angel had switched everyone's places, charging in to rescue them. As she was recovering, he had been recalled to his underwater world once more.

"Set bag for maximum resistance."

Looking back on that, she'd felt like Tempest should have been there somehow. Not like he wasn't involved or hadn't saved them. No, it was the feeling she had that when she awoke from the nightmare the Titans had been placed in she expected to see Garth there - switched with some villain somewhere.

The nightmares and ever-increasing "stalked," feeling was one of the main reasons she'd volunteered for this new project. This "black ops team." How was she going to explain this one to Roy? He used to be undercover like this - and it didn't seem to sit with him well. He'd probably want to go along, but his identity was public and well-known. Someone had to stay and protect Lian. Besides, maybe the bitch was trying to draw her out and away from the Titans into a one-on-one fight. If she had to go to make sure...

Her fist goes into the bag - HARD.

She wasn't going to get to the next target she heard. Not if she could learn how to fight back.

flash wally west, troia

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