
Mar 23, 2006 15:45

Kyle Rayner is free, and for a brief moment he feels a connection with the crispy air around him and the simple freedom and joy of a man in flight. Combined with the simple joy that freedom brings was the knowledge he would soon be reunited with Jenny and the rest of his friends ( Read more... )

green lantern jade, green lantern arisia, green lantern hal jordan, green lantern travis grey, green lantern kyle rayner, green lantern guy gardner, green lantern kilowog, green lantern alan scott, green lantern john stewart

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theotherlantern March 24 2006, 13:46:34 UTC
John's finally back, and the first thing he does is answer Hal's question.

"He wasn't your nephew, Hal, but he WAS a real boy. And he's back at home with his parents now."

As he lands, he looks grim. "All right, listen up, GLs. We're not out of the woods yet. I've been plucking information out of these toasters as much as I can, and I've run into something interesting that we're gonna have to pay attention to. Seems not only is there a YELLOW Manhunter that's running the show somewhere - I haven't been able to find out WHERE - but it's trying to barter with us. With me. It claimed they had prisoners - and they DID have Kyle and Arisia."

He looks to the two. "Do they have others? If they could use Hannu against us, they might have more captives."

Assuming someone has taken Hannu back to get some medical attention.


light_to_guide March 24 2006, 17:03:06 UTC
Kyle immediately turns his attention to John when he hears the question.

"I'm not sure, I never saw anyone else, but I know there had to have been rooms like mine in the hallway outside of mine. I can't say for certain though. Inside of their compound they have a shield up that seems to dampen the effects of the ring, I couldn't scan or communicate with anyone til I was outside."


theotherlantern March 24 2006, 17:19:54 UTC

"They claimed they released you. Is this true, or did you have to fight your way out?"


light_to_guide March 24 2006, 17:34:37 UTC
"I don't know what happened, I just looked up and Arisia was sneaking into my cell, and from there we fought our way out."

Kyle pauses, thoughtful for a moment, the bruise on his hand aching just a little in memory.

"It did seem way to easy though."


theotherlantern March 24 2006, 17:57:13 UTC
"Well, here's WHY, then. They suddenly want us to do a job for them. Seems one of their own, in disguise as a woman - "

The ring projects a holographic image of what he was shown by the Manhunter Prime.

" - is malfunctioning, and they can't seem to find her. They said she's dangerous and 'might harm innocent people,' which doesn't make sense because Manhunters don't care about that. They also said that no matter what our rings tell us, she's a Manhunter. Which either means we can't trust the rings, or we're being lied to."


light_to_guide March 24 2006, 18:12:59 UTC
"This is quickly turning into a confusing mess. Do we have any idea who this girl is? If they want her so bad, maybe she knows something that can help us."


theotherlantern March 24 2006, 18:26:29 UTC
"No idea yet. Looks familiar, but not placing her. She might just be someone who'd been altered to look like someone, like that boy that looked like Hal's nephew was. It could be a legit Manhunter. Or it could be something else that we haven't figured out yet. But I have no intention of giving her over to the Manhunters without picking her brain and figuring out why they want her bad enough to work with us."


light_to_guide March 24 2006, 18:30:28 UTC
Kyle nods in complete agreement with every John's saying, though he pauses for a brief moment, his own painful experiances coming back to him.

"It could always be a trap."


elfinlantern March 24 2006, 18:44:07 UTC
"Everything could always be a trap." Arisia shrugs at that. "If there was anyone else around, I didn't see them there. Then again, I was only really looking for the person I knew they had."


_jaded_one_ March 24 2006, 18:46:22 UTC
Jen's eyes close as she leans against Kyle. Her head really, really hurts. "What're we gonna do?"


kilowog March 24 2006, 18:49:40 UTC
"No doubt it's a trap, poozer. Here's some more bad news. We took a close look at that toaster you dropped off with us, and it don't look good. That whole 'power battery in the skull' thing might look like a funky new weakness to exploit, but we think we figured out WHY they'd go and do that ( ... )


elfinlantern March 24 2006, 19:00:32 UTC
Arisia looks toward Kilowog for a few moments and frowns, thinking things out as she speaks, "Do we know how much they can contain, Kil? I mean, could the bond to the Central Power Battery or are we talking singular rings bonded to singular Manhunters?"

As if that wasn't bad enough but it could be worse....


kilowog March 24 2006, 19:46:07 UTC
"Not sure, Riz. Looks like they got certain parts that self-destruct if they sense they're about to buy the farm, so we couldn't get complete schematics and capabilities. But each one, we know, can at least draw out a fully charged ring."


theotherlantern March 24 2006, 19:48:49 UTC
"Ookay... that explains what just happened to me. I had the ring drained, so I had to recharge it in a Manhunter's head after Jade helped me bust it up... but I think I've got some of the Red power, too. So far, it's amped me up a bit, but I'm not sure if I'll have any long-term effects from it."


guy_lantern March 25 2006, 12:16:22 UTC
"Heyyyy... waitaminute.

I think Travis ran into a crazy street chick in Ney York that had somethin 'off' in her her. Like she was possesed by a Manhunter..or somethin.."

Guy scratches his head. What were the details??


theotherlantern March 25 2006, 18:40:35 UTC
"Is THAT where Travis is? Someone should get a hold of him. The Manhunter Prime, or whatever its called, said she could destroy all life on the planet. I don't know when they started to care about THAT, though. Did you get a look at that girl?"

He shows the holo image again, dirtied-up blonde girl with strange, unnatural blue eyes.


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