(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 15:45

Kyle Rayner is free, and for a brief moment he feels a connection with the crispy air around him and the simple freedom and joy of a man in flight. Combined with the simple joy that freedom brings was the knowledge he would soon be reunited with Jenny and the rest of his friends.

The entire time he had been locked up, Kyle had never given up hope. Some of it may have been that he was an experienced Green Lantern with the willpower to create green mountains, but most of it was something else. Most of it was the knowledge that deep down no matter what happened Hal would come for him, or John, or Guy, or Jade, or Alan, or Arisia. That was the truth of being a Green Lantern, and one he knew first hand. It was a lonely universe to be the only one, and it enabled him to fully appreciate now just what it was to have fellow Green Lanterns he could always count on.

Reigning his thoughts in, Kyle moved back over to Kilowog and Arisia, sending a signal out to the other GL rings to let them know where to meet up. It was time to plan a course of action.

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