Grant's Gym

Jan 10, 2006 19:20

They get more pathetic every day -- couple of bruisers wandered into his boxing class a few weeks back. Heard a rumor that Ted Grant used to be a superhero. Grant rolled his eyes at that one, a bit. Said they wanted to be superheroes, too. Grant told 'em to try getting bit by a radioactive spider. They weren't amused.

But, they shelled out for the private lessons, so what's a cat to do. The two of 'em have spent the past few weeks under his tutelage -- working out, getting the snot pounded out of 'em. They may not ever be Blue Beetle, but hell, at least they were turning into half-decent boxers. If only they'd learn to watch their lefts.

"Ah, fergettabout, Grant," says Wildcat, as he watches them drive slopy punches into each other. "Yer given 'em what they paid for."

At least they seem to be losing the thoughts of being superheroes. Couldn't have hurt when he told 'em he knew teenagers who could wipe the floor with the two of 'em combined...

holly go-nightly, black canary, catwoman, captain marvel, wildcat

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