One day later...

Jan 10, 2006 22:31's Sand.  I'm sorry to just leave a voicemail like this, but you were out of the Brownstone and I needed to let you know.   I'm going to be out of reach for awhile...need some personal time away from the team, for a couple of reasons, primarily to resolve some things within myself.

As you probably are aware, my interpersonal relationship with Merlynne took a weird turn about the time Neron showed his ugly face, and as a result there's some issues left unresolved between her and Caleb...and her and I.  After speaking with Caleb, however, I need to disappear for a bit.   They need time to talk to each other...when Merlynne's ready...and my being around won't help that much.   I wanted to tell Corinne directly, but she's not answering her communications, which tells me she needs some space.  I left a letter for her eyes only on your desk - would you please see that she gets it when she shows up at the Brownstone?

That's not the only reason for's for me as well.  Having returned to life a few months ago, then the issues with Dr. Light, getting possessed by Eclipso...I'm worn, and I need to recharge for awhile.

I do have my communicator but I trust you not to contact me unless it is a major, all hands on deck apocalypse.  In return, I'll send you regular "beeps" - usually by e-mail - telling you I'm OK.

If you think my leaving will have you guys shorthanded, give some thought to offering either Taz, Nightshade or both a spot on the team.  They were both excellent when they worked with us, and both seem to be in a place where being part of the team could do both themselves and us a world of good.

Please assure everyone that I'll be back, and that everything's OK.  I just need awhile.  I'm sorry this wasn't face to face.  Take care.


mr. terrific, sand

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