The Star City Skinner Strikes Again!

Apr 17, 2009 18:36

The skinner has had less time over this victim. He knows that after the first one, the most well-known and deserving one, the capes and the cops would be on full alert. But that doesn't mean he doesn't take enjoyment from peeling the skin from this one, and oh yes, she is deserving. She may not have been the leader, but she was a follower just the same. Is. Is a follower. She's not dead. Not yet.

"Hmm." He stops as he's about to pull the skin off of her foot as if it were a tight sock. That music. He so enjoys this music. My Sharona, by The Knack. He taps his foot as he hums the tune. As soon as he takes a victim, he plays nothing but Imagine, leaving it playing from the moment of captivity up until the time the skinning starts.... It's an enjoyable piece, and puts the victim's mind at ease, at first. Of course, after non-stop play for days, or weeks, it becomes maddening.  And then My Sharona kicks in, and the fun begins. The tearing of flesh. Once he's done, it's back to good old John Lennon.

The skinning is rarely completed in one fell swoop. It takes time to skin someone and keep them alive. Many drugs are required, and much patience. Luckily, he's had a long long time to perfect his trade. A long time to practice on people that the government deemed deserving. Now it's his turn to choose who the victims are, and for the past few days it has been the beautiful Lucy Ashton. Fortunate that she lives in Star City too. The next target is in Opal City, and he's never been there. Still, sacrifices have to be made, new adventures have to be sought.

They will all pay. They may not think they care, but they will. They forgot about him. They will take notice and they will suffer through the loss of those who share their blood. "Ma sharona... ma, ma, ma ma ma oo." Off comes the skin around the foot, and into the bucket it goes. His victim would scream if her mouth wasn't stitched shut.


Three hours later and a hobo enters the old building site. He doesn't recognise the pink thing suspended from the ceiling at first, and has no idea where Imagine is being pumped in from, but when he realises that it has eyes and it's trying to break free from it's bonds, he screams, drops his bottle of cheap cider, and runs for the police.


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