I woke up with a headache and started the day off with a whole lot of grumpy left over from yesterday, but then my Yogi tea fortune told me to have an attitude of gratitude, and so I thought, okay, sure, fine. Fine!
So I'd decided to make a list of things in bandom stories guaranteed make me joyous, things that I just love beyond measure, and while some of these things are things guaranteed to make me flail in pretty much any story ever, this is definitely a list influenced by the presence of Gerard Way.
JJ <3's stories where:
- there are lots of sibling moments. Oh, my heart, I am fascinated by siblings.
- Mikey is integral in orchestrating some part of Frank/Gerard. WEAK IN THE KNEES.
- someone has to clean up someone else's mess, especially if they love the person whose mess they are cleaning up. GETS ME EVERY TIME. (Though what I wouldn't give to see a story where Gerard is cleaning up after Frank. I mean, that would quite possibly strike me dead.) Which leads me to:
- Gerard gets sober - which leads me to:
- the band acts as a family, where they come together to take care of one of their own. Which - ok, you get the point.
- someone is sent or takes it upon himself to "have a talk" with someone else, be it a "don't fuck this up" conversation, an "I'll kill you if you hurt him" conversation, or just a, "You're acting like an idiot and I lost rock-paper-scissors so I had to come tell you" moment. It's such a guy thing. They don't talk to each other, they give or get given talks. It's adorable.
Now, you tell me, what are your favorite stories where any of these things happen? What are your own favorite "when this happens you can hear me squee from across town" story moments? In the meantime, I am going to go get a coffee, because, seriously, my attitude would have a lot more gratitude if I was adequately caffeinated.