
Nov 27, 2007 13:13

So I was chatting with arsenicjade yesterday and telling her I didn't really know where to go to learn more about Panic! At the Disco, because I'm used to canon that involves cracking open a book, or setting the TiVo, or watching a whole season on DVDs. She gave me a few places to start and I bookmarked a few things for later, and then this morning, getting ready to do ban research, I scanned through my friendslist first and stopped to read minervacat's post about drumlines. And so the first thing I did after that was was to go on YouTube and find a video of the Panic! At the Disco's drumline. And then another. And another. And another. And then I kind of lost my mind. So let it be noted that my first real impression of Panic! At the Disco canon beyond listening to "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" is of awesome, pretty, costumed punk-pop boys playing a drumline in front of a screaming crowd. I just. It could not have been a more perfect introduction.

Regarding the Doctor Who casting spoiler : I don't even know what to say. The end of season two broke my fucking heart in ways only rivaled by Farscape, and even they had a happy ending. I fell in love with Rose and the Doctor, utterly, completely, and got completely lost in their story, and so their separation was the best, most awful end to that story. We knew all along that Rose's life had to go on, that the Doctor always left people behind - but it hurt so much when it happened, because how can you watch them and not hope it will turn out differently, somehow? So, I don't know, I really, really want to be excited, but I'm so afraid it's going to hurt, because she said she loved him, said it out loud, and he as much as said the same thing back to her and then we had a whole season where we saw how much it mattered that the Doctor lost Rose, that he kept losing everything until he was alone, and I don't know, what if he gets Rose back and it's just, "oh, look, you're back!" I think I might die a little inside, but then what if she comes back and then goes away again? Because in the end, she can never, ever stay - I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. My heart hurts today, people, it really does.

So I've been freaking out all morning, about bandom and tv shows and everything, everything, everything. I can't sit still, I'm overly emotional, I'm flaily and excitable and I haven't even had that much coffee. Maybe the reason I'm all unsettled and fidgety is because I got up at 7 this morning and wrote for two hours and worked out what I think is the climax of the Frank/Gerard AU, and I'm at the point where I just kind of want to take the two of them and smish them together but that's not how you write, and since I can't actually stay home from work to finish a story, no matter how much I want to be wearing jeans and no socks and opening the windows because it's suddenly, weirdly warm again with bright sunshine and huge gusts of wind blowing crunchy leaves up the street, I have to go out into the world with my Panic! At the Disco drumline-esque wildness, where my heart is all of the drums all at once.

coffee on demand, fantastic!, no going to the lighthouse

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