the harbinger of the apocalypse

Nov 26, 2007 14:16

OMG Monday. Everyone at the library appears to have taken it on good authority that today is crazycakes day, so I'm coping by drinking a huge coffee and requesting punk-pop albums from inter-library loan. The problem with embracing a reference-librarian's lifestyle is that I tend to do a lot of information-gathering when there's downtime, but all of a sudden I get busy on a project, and then I'm not sure what to do with the 40 Panic! At the Disco YouTube videos I have queued up without accidentally showing them to a patron.

I thought BSG Razor was astoundingly good. I trust this show to do flashbacks well and tell enough of a story from that, but they had an actual plot, and dear god, Kendra, Cain, Kara Thrace, and the knife. (And a metaphor is much less heavy handed when it also gets used to scrape blood off the screen in the CIC, you know?) Razor was all about the women and that was so damn awesome.

I'm pretty sure there was shouting and wavy-handing when Gina joined Cain and the crew for a very special dinner and it was clear, even before Kendra and Gina had the exposition conversation, that Gina and Cain were lovers, and there's something amazing about seeing real live fictional lesbians on one of my favorite shows, because, yes.

I thought the reveal that Gina was so terribly abused because she had been close to Cain - and you don't betray Cain - was handled extremely well. It was even better that it came between Cain shooting her XO and the command that sends Kendra down the path of shooting the civilian families, because Cain did not suddenly turn into a monster because the Cylons attacked. She did not have a radical character re-write. She was always waiting to make Bill Adama look like a wimp when he was dicking around trying to find a President and escape with the fleet.

And despite the fact that we sort of already knew Helena Cain shot her XO for refusing an order, there's knowing something like that, and there's fucking seeing it happen. What I loved best about seeing Cain in these flashbacks is that we had all these hints in the second season that she was crazy, and we knew she'd made some really questionable decisions that she insisted were about survival, but we didn't know she was fucking nuts before the Cylon attack (a story these writers clearly like to tell - look at Starbuck, crazier than crazy before she gets kidnapped and held hostage by a prophetic Cylon.)

We also didn't know how much of Cain's approach rubbed off on her crew - it was clear some of them followed Cain out of fear, or seeing no other way, but Kendra grew and changed. She is Cain's legacy. I loved every moment Kendra had with Starbuck in the way that I loved every moment Cain had with Starbuck - I'm on board anytime the writers want to put our favorite hot shot viper pilot in the same room with a steel-willed female authority figure, because the tension is instantaneous and also really, really gorgeous.

What to say about Kara Thrace's special destiny as suggested by the hybrid? Again, the whole fucking show is about Kara Thrace, isn't it? So, fine, say she's the harbinger of the apocalypse. You think I really believe that? And, ok, maybe it's true, maybe she will be the end of the human race, but if so, do you think I wouldn't follow her all the way?

love makes you stupid

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