(no subject)

Feb 28, 2004 22:12

Okay, so I really wasn't going to see a movie today, but I talked myself into going to see The Passion of the Christ this afternoon. No, the world is not coming to an end and I'm not reconsidering my stance against religion. I was simply curious about the controversy and figured I might as well see it.

A couple thoughts:

1-There was not a lick of English in the entire movie. All subtitles. It's...interesting to see American audiences actually going for subtitles over wretched dubs.

2-This is an incredibly bloody and disturbing movie. We're going to leave it at that since any other analysis of the plot would show my deep and unabiding cynacism in relation to a book being taken as the foundation of beliefs. Not to mention, it's a story. And just a story.

3-It's appalling that the same people who bitched and moaned over Janet's booby...the same people that whined over Howard Stern on the radio...the same people who wanted the 80-year-old chick's boob censored on ER...the same people who think a real gay reality show would show four gay men dying of AIDS have zero qualms about letting little kids watch an R rated movie, which is prolly going to be the most graphically bloody movie of all time. No problem with that but god forbid we see a tit. People, priorities.

4-The fucking theater was packed. To the gills. Three later shows were already sold out at 4 when I got there.

Moving on, I stopped by "the house" today and took some pics for everyone to see. I'm gonna post them, I think, in the near future. So keep your eyes open.

Stopped by Tim's and talked to Sammy a bit. I'm at least making progress with Izzie: she'll let me pet her now. And apparently Tim's been doing some reading. Duly impressed and noted. :)

I also watched Mambo Italiano tonight. Basically, it's an Italian coming out movie. Fucking hilarious. It's a very recent release and I'm surprised I didn't catch it in the theater. Anyway, I think all of ya'll would enjoy it. It's pretty much universal humor if you even halfway understand coming out and the like. Highly recommended.

I've got one more movie I wanna watch tonight, but I don't know if it's gonna happen. It's called Just One Time and sounded pseudo-kinda-sorta interesting yesterday afternoon. I might throw it in for shits and giggles. Dunno yet.

What else...talked to all the aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents this week. Apparently I earned my star for the week...Katelyn (I think that's spelled right) apparently wants me to meet someone she knows by the name of Joe...only one movie I'm kinda sorta wanting to get this week: Peyton Place...next week is Schindler's List, which I'm totally on the fence about...to tell the truth, I'm on the fence about any movie until Angels in America in June.

I could just start rambling right now, but I don't think I'm going to. Besides, CJ just signed onto IM. :)

passion of the christ, movie

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