(no subject)

Feb 27, 2004 23:49

Well, I guess ya'll might as well know. I broke the news to the father figure Tim and I are serious about buying a house in the not-too-distant-future. I was in the middle of cleaning my room (which was a mess, btw) and I decided to bite the bullet. I went downstairs, where they were eating, and fixed myself a Jack and coke. After all, I always do open up a bit better when there's some alcohol in my system.

Anyway, Mom did some business in the potty (hehe...) and I told Pop to come upstairs after she went to bed so I could talk to him. He came up about five minutes later. I basically told him flat out what the plans were and how far we had gotten. To my utter shock, he didn't pitch a fit or tell me not to under any circumstances. What he said was:

1-he would be happy to look at and give his opinion on the house we picked out to see if we missed anything.

2-he wanted to start breaking Mom into the idea and for me not to say anything to her until he said so.

3-that I would need to buy the car, obviously, before this happened. I informed him I could do that right now and be perfectly okay.

4-that I needed to find a book about mortgages in the library and see what the max monthly payment we could swing was.

5-that he thought it would be better if one of us were to buy the house and the other rent. I explained we had thought of that but we both thought neither of us could get the house right now.
6-he didn't think moving in with Tim was a good idea. He didn't specify why, but Lisa just said they said basically the same thing at brunch last week.

7-he also strongly suggested we get an attorney to draft some sort of contract.

8-he said he sees this going as follows: I stop going to school to get a second job and never go back. He also said he knows I want to be the boss and do things my way, so I should open my own accounting firm.

I guess the question I have is this (and it's prolly very inconsequential): why would everyone but the two of us think getting a house is a bad idea?

Lisa didn't give any reasons as to why they said it. I know we're not always going to get along. I know I'm gonna do stuff to piss him off and he's gonna do stuff to piss me off. But in all the years we've been friends, I don't think...no, I know...we've never had a bad argument, yelled at each other or been utterly pissed off at the other. We're gonna have a lot to work out, like who does what, our schedules and everything else. But we both want it to work.

I don't think they find Tim to be an irresponsible person; he's already said he admired Tim for doing what he does and what he wants to do. I think part of it is the inevitable pain of letting go and not being able to "protect" me anymore. I also think the other part is the continuing doubt what our "relationship" is. I know they asked when I came out, I think, if we were going out. But I would have thought by now everyone would have gotten two messages loud and clear: first, Tim's not gay; and second, Tim is so totally not my type.

Now that I've heard that, it's throwing this whole thing into doubt in my head. What if they see something I don't? What if they know something I don't? What then?

See, this is exactly what's held me back from doing all sorts of things. Teeny tiny comments that make me doubt where I want to go, leading me not to do what I want.

I think I need to go to sleep now because I'm just feeling incredibly exhausted. Maybe this will all sort itself out tomorrow, in the bright light of day.

moving, parents

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